Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version)

  • Product Code: salesforce-certified-administrator-jpn
  • Exam Questions: 130
  • Vendor: salesforce


  • Updated At: Nov 22, 2024
Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version)



The Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version) certification focuses on Salesforce Essentials, User Management, Security, Data Management, Reporting and Dashboards, and Process Automation

Exam Duration

The Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version) exam duration is 105 minutes

Num of Question

The exam contains a total of 60

Exam Fee

The exam fee is 164,000 JPY (approximately).

Exam Validity

The CCRN-Pediatric certification is valid for 1年.

Prior Certification
  • None
Exam Format

The Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version) exam is a プロムーティブビーエムグリッド

Passing Conditions

To pass Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version) exam, applicants must achieve a minimum score of 60%の正解率

Who Should Take

  • Salesforce System Administrator
  • Salesforce Platform Developer
  • IT Administrator
  • System Manager
  • Operation Manager
  • Support Engineer

Salesforceを使用する経験 または Salesforce Certified Administration Study Guideの内容を十分に理解していること

Or can substitute with certifications:

  • N/A
Certification Process
  • 1. エクザンプレトをダウンロードします
  • 2. エクザンプレトでテストを実行します
  • 3. パスするには、テストで 60pct以上のコアクリアが必要です
  • 4. コアクリア率が60%より低い場合、何度でも再試験することができます
  • 5. 1年以内に再度テストのコアクリアを達成することを推奨します
  • 6. Salesforce の公式サイトで証明書を取得します
Domains with Weights
  • Salesforce Essentials (24%): Salesforce Platformの基礎事項と販売、顧客管理、協力型サービス、モバイル・Webアプリケーションなど、すべてのクラウドベースのアプリを設計して操作するための理解
  • User Management (): ユーザー管理を設定およびマイナス、ロールおよびパーミッションを設定、エクスプローラーを管理
  • Security (18%): Salesforce Platformのセキュリティ機能を設定およびマーキング、共有およびアクセス制御などを機能を設定
  • Data Management (18%): データを移動、アップグレード、変更、削除する操作を十分に理解していることや、データシングルの管理や、データロック間を運用
  • Reporting and Dashboards (10%): レポート、ダッシュボード、およびチャートを作成して設定してマイナスの取扱を理解していること
  • Process Automation (30%): Workflow、カレンダー、バッチ、フォームおよびテーブルオブジェクトなどのプロセス自動化の特性を理解していること

We don’t just offer top-tier products that guarantee your success, we also provide exceptional customer service.

First, as previously mentioned, we are a powerful company offering the leading high-quality materials for the [exam name] with a proven success rate of 99.6%, based on data from the past five years. If you trust us and study our [exam name] materials carefully, we guarantee you will pass. Every year, we assist over 10,000 candidates in successfully passing their exams. We are always the first to receive updates on any changes to the Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version), directly from the official sources. We have strong relationships with some of the largest companies in the industry, investing significant resources annually to ensure we provide the latest, most valid, and accurate materials. Our materials are followed by many, but never surpassed.

Secondly, our customer service operates 24/7, including on holidays. We respond to all inquiries and messages within two hours. You will receive the Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version) materials within 15 minutes after your payment. If you have any questions about downloading the materials, payment issues, pass rates, or update schedules, our team is always available to assist you. We prioritize your security and privacy, ensuring 100% pass rates for the Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version). In the rare event that you fail, we offer a full refund within 2-7 business days.

Thousands of candidates choose us every year and pass their exams—why wait? Choose us now, and our Salesforce Certified Administrator (Japanese Version) materials will be your ultimate ally.

After your purchase, Instant Download: Once your payment is processed, our system will automatically send your product to your email inbox. (If you do not receive it within 12 hours, please contact us. Don’t forget to check your spam folder.)


Matsuda Naomi

If you're planning to take the SALESFORCE-CERTIFIED-ADMINISTRATOR-JPN exam, don't hesitate to get these dumps. I found them to be a lifesaver, as they helped me pass with minimal studying.


Saito Akira

I don't usually write reviews, but I was extremely satisfied with these dumps for the SALESFORCE-CERTIFIED-ADMINISTRATOR-JPN exam. Many thanks to the creators!


Kuroba Kaito

I was able to knock out the SALESFORCE-CERTIFIED-ADMINISTRATOR-JPN exam in record time using these dumps. Definitely worth every penny, as the questions were almost identical to the real thing.


Yamada Yui

I passed my SALESFORCE-CERTIFIED-ADMINISTRATOR-JPN exam with flying colors, thanks to this site! The dumps were surprisingly accurate, and I felt much more confident during the actual test.


Takeda Taro

I was a bit skeptical at first, but these dumps really helped me prepare for the SALESFORCE-CERTIFIED-ADMINISTRATOR-JPN exam. Many of the questions were identical, some even word-for-word, to what I saw on the actual test. Highly recommended!

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